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General Assembly - minutes
Minutes - 27.09.2024
Euro Finance Week

Latest report of the European Commission

Construction Products Regulation


Dimension stone

Mineral Products Association


Raw Materials committment

European Network for Sustainable Quarrying and Mining


Tasks of NEPSI since 2006

Nepsi meetings & more


International Competence Forum for Natural Stone and Stone Technology

Stone+tec 2024


We previously reported on the launch of this 4-years ERASMUS+ project that investigates future skills in the construction industry and the required adaptation of the training schemes. The project website will provide all the relevant information and is now online .

Launch of EU construction skills "Blueprint" project website


On 29th October, our Construction Products Europe representative, Oscar Nieto took part in the final panel debate of this CEN workshop. The event focused on identifying the challenges of circular economy for the construction sector and how existing standards address them. Presentations are available online

CEN workshop: standardisation, construction and the circular economy


CEN/TC 350 plenary meeting take place every year. The group continues their work according to the EC mandate after the recent publication of the amendment of the standard for EPD (EN 15804). The next documents in the pipeline will deal with data quality (TR 15941 to be updated and published as standard), B2B (revised EN 15942) and B2C (new document under development). The process to revise building assessment (EN 15978) and to draft civil engineering works methodology (prEN 17472) is also ongoing.

CEN/TC 350 plenary meeting


Representatives of the national European Natural Stone Organizations discussed how the branch could better position itself

Euroroc’s General Assembly at Marmomac surprised all with its verve

Stone Ideas

USITC says: Those artificial stones are subsidized and violate fair trade / Accusations also against quartz from India and Turkey and against ceramics from China

Euroroc informs: The United States International Trade Commission (USITC) approves tariffs against Quartz Products from China

Stone Ideas

Exposure to crystalline silica dust is a theme for stonemasons world-wide. Readers will recall: workers who dry-cut natural stone or engineered stone slabs over prolonged periods of time are in danger of contracting pneumosilicosis.

Euroroc News: Occupational health issues caused by crystalline silica dust is a world-wide topic of discussion for Stonemasons

Stone Ideas

New, too, are the strong efforts to solicit tradespersons from neighboring countries around France

French Rocalia Trade Fair is barring all engineered stone and quartz composite materials at its second edition

Stone Ideas

Stijn Renier and Kristof Callebaut from Belgium share their presidency for the term from 2018 to 2020

Euroroc’s two new presidents: „Communication and collaboration are the key issues”

Stone Ideas

Le vendredi 28 septembre 2018 l'assemblé générale d'Euroroc à élu M. Kristof Callebaut et M. Stijn Renier en tant que co-présidents pour les deux prochaines années.

Présidence belge à la tête d'Euroroc

Pierre Actual Belgique

Peter Handley is the newly appointed EU-Commissioner for sustainability / His credo is Circular Economy

Euroroc: „Securing natural resources“ is also about keeping quarries in operation

Stone Ideas

Protecting names such as „Marble“ or „Calacatta“ is the topic of discussions / A clean slate for the stone branch?

How producers of ceramics, quartz composites, and engineered stone practice plagiarism

Stone Ideas

Can the stone branch undertake steps to stop plagiarism by ceramics and engineered stone? A compilation and taking stock

„Ceramic interpretation of natural stone“ and other fancy product descriptions

Stone Ideas

The European umbrella organization for the natural stone branch is undertaking an investigation of plagiarized product-names

Euroroc: turning the ECJ judgment on „Soya Milk“ into a virtue to protect natural stone names such as „Marble“ or „Granite“

Stone Ideas

In part the issue involves quartz composite materials in particular, and in part general labor protection is the topic of interest

Crystalline silica in stonemasons‘ workshops is a major issue in many countries

Stone Ideas

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